In my last blog post I was after a pre-loved washing machine; the good news I found one, a bit smaller than I wanted but a good one at the right price, so yippee! I got one!
So I am washing at home in my comfy clothes.
The bad news is after weeks of jumping through hoops and answering questions on reams of paper, Centrelink has rejected my husband's claim for a disability pension. He is not sick enough. He did not total twenty points or more. How much under they did not say.
My aplication for a carer's payment is under review and could be for up to another six weeks and then I might not get it.
We have put in more paperwork to see if we can get a Health Care Card for people with a low income, to help with medical expences, and to get discounts on other things. This would be very helpful to us. My husbands sick pay runs out soon we are on aprox one third of the wage he was on when working full time.
When we have no income of any type and have used every cent to our name then and only then will centrelink help my husband with a sickness allowance but me all they say is "why don't you work?"
I am getting sick of hearing this. The answer I give at the moment is my husband is ill I am looking after him, I am his carer even if you don't agree.
I have my own health problems which are helped with medication, this is in their records.
Each and every time we have contact with them different people ask the same questions, its like banging your head up against a wall. Come to think of it, that may be less painful at this time.
I can not sleep unless it is broken sleep; I am so stressed about paying bills, all the same bills, on one third of the money.
At least we have a roof over our head, even though it leaks and we can't afford to fix it at the moment. I am watching my husband get sicker and sicker with each chemo treatment he is getting more side effects with each treatmentat the moment he is a grumpy man trying to pick fights and when I don't react he gets upset with me. Oh the joy, what to do.
I am trying to get through one day at a time, that is all I can do, or I'll find myself being swept away with emotion.
Every day I find myself leaking tears for all sorts of reasons, I buy my tissues in bulk packs now, they work out cheaper that way. Until next time I'll try not to get swept too far away.
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